What We Do
Extracts from some of the letters written by people whom The Athlone Trust has been able to help over the last few years:
"Over the last two years my son, D (aged 13), has received much appreciated financial support from several Trusts including yourselves, as well as his present school, which he has greatly benefited from - I THANK YOU. This support allowed him to escape the extreme bullying he was suffering at his previous school to benefit from private education where the child is considered holistically."
Ms B, the single mother of son who suffered badly from bullying - Dundee
"I cannot thank you enough for your time and continued support of G and her special needs."
Mrs T, parent of a girl with many special needs - academic, social, emotional and behavioural - who has been receiving assistance with school fees - Devon

"The very generous grant that we have received has enabled us to continue to give E everything that she needs and deserves in order to survive. She is now a lovely growing 11 year old and developing in all directions. She is doing so well at school and is greatly benefiting from the broad curriculum and small classes that the school offers."
Mr & Mrs A, parents of a daughter suffering from ADHD, dyspraxia and other disabilities - Cornwall
"We would like to thank yourself and the other members of the Trust for all your invaluable continued support, as without this K would have been unable to have achieved her full potential."
Mrs J, a single mother who has received assistance to help with her daughter's extra-curricular speech, drama and swimming - Staffordshire